(A collection of work in progress photos)
So about a little more than a year ago, I participated in a live paint event at Phone Booth Gallery. It was a great turnout and in front of a crowd I had decided to paint over the course of 5 hrs or so a Stormtrooper helmet infused with a skull. You can see what came out of it in this VIDEO. As time passed I always hoped to revisit the idea on a broader scale. Phone Booth's creative director, Gary Booth asked me if I would be interested in doing a print release for the gallery. I asked him "How about three prints?". Speaking to Gary I explained that I had envisioned three key helmets that would showcase the baddies of the dark side. “Skullduggery: A Tribute to the Dark Side” would now begin to take shape. Here are some of the process photos of the drawing stage and building of the backgrounds.
(A collection of work in progress photos)
So about a little more than a year ago, I participated in a live paint event at Phone Booth Gallery. It was a great turnout and in front of a crowd I had decided to paint over the course of 5 hrs or so a Stormtrooper helmet infused with a skull. You can see what came out of it in this VIDEO. As time passed I always hoped to revisit the idea on a broader scale. Phone Booth's creative director, Gary Booth asked me if I would be interested in doing a print release for the gallery. I asked him "How about three prints?". Speaking to Gary I explained that I had envisioned three key helmets that would showcase the baddies of the dark side. “Skullduggery: A Tribute to the Dark Side” would now begin to take shape. Here are some of the process photos of the drawing stage and building of the backgrounds.
Starting the Collage
Great look inside the creative process